Brahma Sutra ( 1 and 2 )
अथातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा |
जन्माद्यस्य यतः |
Thereafter Hence the Deliberation on Brahman From which Birth etc. Of this (universe proceed)
अथातो =अथ +अत:
ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा = Deliberation on Brahman/ Desirous to know about Brahman
अथ = Thereafter
अत: = Hence
जन्माद्यस्य = जन्म + आदि +अस्य
यतः = from which
जन्म = Birth
आदि = etc.
अस्य = of
Brahma Sutra (3)
शास्त्र-योनित्वात् |
Because of being the source of scriptures
Brahmasutra (6)
गौणश्चेन्नात्मशब्दात् |
Because of being the words from soul; not from any secondary source
गौण: = indirect, secondary, figurative
चेत् = if it be said
न = not
अत्मशब्दात् = because of being the words from soul
Brahmasutra (7)
तन्निष्ठस्यमोक्षोपदेशात् |
Because of being a devotee's preacher of liberation
तन्निष्ठस्य = of the devotee
मोक्ष = liberation
उपदेश = teaching / instruction
Brahmasutra (8)
हेयत्वावचनाच्च |
Also because of saying nothing that can be disregarded
हेयत्व = fitness to be disregarded
अवचनात् = because of not being said
च = also
Brahmasutra (9)
स्वाप्ययात् |
On account of merging in one's own self
स्व - one's own
अप्यय - entering into (merging)
Brahma Sutra ( 10 and 11 )
गतिसामान्यात् |
श्रुतत्वाच्च |
On account of uniformity of view and that stated in Shruti
गति = view
सामान्यात् = on account of uniformity
वाच्च = वाच + च
वाच = said
च = and
Brahma Sutra ( 12 )
आनन्दमयोअभ्यासात् |
HE (The Supreme Self) is habitually The Blissful One
आनन्दमय: = The Blissful One
अभ्यासात् = On account of habit
Brahma Sutra ( 13 )
विकारशब्दान्नेति चेन्न प्राचुर्यात् |
If (it be objected that the term Anandamaya consisting of bliss can) not (denote the supreme Self) because of its being a word denoting a modification or transformation or product (we say that the objection is) not (valid) on account of abundance, (which is denoted by the suffix 'maya').
विकार = modification
शब्दात् = owing to the word
न = not
इति = this
चेत् = if it be argued
न = not
प्राचुर्यात् = because of abundance
अथातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा |
जन्माद्यस्य यतः |
Thereafter Hence the Deliberation on Brahman From which Birth etc. Of this (universe proceed)
अथातो =अथ +अत:
ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा = Deliberation on Brahman/ Desirous to know about Brahman
अथ = Thereafter
अत: = Hence
जन्माद्यस्य = जन्म + आदि +अस्य
यतः = from which
जन्म = Birth
आदि = etc.
अस्य = of
Brahma Sutra (3)
शास्त्र-योनित्वात् |
Because of being the source of scriptures
शास्त्र - scriptures
योनि - source
Brahma Sutra (4)
तत् तु समन्वयात् |
That (Brahman) but ( although scriptures have originated from Brahman ) can be understood only from scriptures
तत् = that
तु = but
समन्वयात् = because of being the object of implication (from scriptures)
Brahma Sutra (5)
ईक्षतेर्नाशब्दम् |
As perceived and in conformity with the scriptures
ईक्षते: = Seen or perceived
न = not
अशब्दम् = not mentioned in scriptures
योनि - source
Brahma Sutra (4)
तत् तु समन्वयात् |
That (Brahman) but ( although scriptures have originated from Brahman ) can be understood only from scriptures
तत् = that
तु = but
समन्वयात् = because of being the object of implication (from scriptures)
Brahma Sutra (5)
ईक्षतेर्नाशब्दम् |
As perceived and in conformity with the scriptures
ईक्षते: = Seen or perceived
न = not
अशब्दम् = not mentioned in scriptures
Brahmasutra (6)
गौणश्चेन्नात्मशब्दात् |
Because of being the words from soul; not from any secondary source
गौण: = indirect, secondary, figurative
चेत् = if it be said
न = not
अत्मशब्दात् = because of being the words from soul
Brahmasutra (7)
तन्निष्ठस्यमोक्षोपदेशात् |
Because of being a devotee's preacher of liberation
तन्निष्ठस्य = of the devotee
मोक्ष = liberation
उपदेश = teaching / instruction
Brahmasutra (8)
हेयत्वावचनाच्च |
Also because of saying nothing that can be disregarded
हेयत्व = fitness to be disregarded
अवचनात् = because of not being said
च = also
Brahmasutra (9)
स्वाप्ययात् |
On account of merging in one's own self
स्व - one's own
अप्यय - entering into (merging)
Brahma Sutra ( 10 and 11 )
गतिसामान्यात् |
श्रुतत्वाच्च |
On account of uniformity of view and that stated in Shruti
गति = view
सामान्यात् = on account of uniformity
श्रुति = lyrics and "what is heard" in general
तत् = thatवाच्च = वाच + च
वाच = said
च = and
Brahma Sutra ( 12 )
आनन्दमयोअभ्यासात् |
HE (The Supreme Self) is habitually The Blissful One
आनन्दमय: = The Blissful One
अभ्यासात् = On account of habit
Brahma Sutra ( 13 )
विकारशब्दान्नेति चेन्न प्राचुर्यात् |
If (it be objected that the term Anandamaya consisting of bliss can) not (denote the supreme Self) because of its being a word denoting a modification or transformation or product (we say that the objection is) not (valid) on account of abundance, (which is denoted by the suffix 'maya').
विकार = modification
शब्दात् = owing to the word
न = not
इति = this
चेत् = if it be argued
न = not
प्राचुर्यात् = because of abundance
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